Soak a Tillandsia or Not Soak?

watering air plants

With conflicting information, how do you know if and when you should soak your tillandsia (or not)? One thing to consider before you decide is to identify your tillandsia species and its native climate (tropical, semi-tropical, or semi-arid region). This…

Water for Succulents and Cacti

indoor succulent garden

Succulents and Cacti require periodic waterings and are very low maintenance.  Print basic care instructions for succulents and cactus. For succulent plants, like echeveria, sedum, crassula, haworthia, space out waterings once every 2 to 3 weeks. Depending on sun exposure…

Tillandsia Bulbosa

tillandsia bulbosa

The tillandsia bulbosa is an air plant native to the tropical regions of Guatemala, Belize, and Central America. This plant is also found in parts of South America and is in the Bromeliad family. Naturally, air plants grow on trees (epiphyte)…

Tillandsia Xerographica

tillandsia xerographic

Tillandsia xerographica is an air plant native to semi-arid regions Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. In nature, this plant is found in dry forest environments. Like other air plants, it grows on trees (epiphyte) or on rocks (lithophyte). The…

Tillandsia Simple Guide

Tillandsias, also called air plants, are easy to grow and low maintenance.  But to be successful, there are some characteristics you need to know. Characteristics Tillandsia is commonly called “air plant” because it grows without rooting in soil.  In nature,…

Fungus Gnats Control

fungus gnats on yellow sticky tape

Plants bring some level calmness and serenity, to your space.   That can quickly get interrupted by fungus gnats flying around your home. Fungus gnats are one of the most common pest issues plant lovers face at some point.  These…

Light Situation for Houseplants

home interior with plants

Trying to determine if your houseplants are getting enough light can be a bit of a challenge with some trial and error. To the human eye, the natural or artificial light looks bright enough, but plants “see” light differently. Plants…