November 2020

Over and Under Watering Air Plants

red abdita health

Tillandsia (air plants) are increasingly popular as an easy-care houseplant, but not well understood when it comes to when and how to water them.  I’ve killed quite a few air plants, although I followed the general care instructions that came…

Water for Succulents and Cacti

indoor succulent garden

Succulents and Cacti require periodic waterings and are very low maintenance.  Print basic care instructions for succulents and cactus. For succulent plants, like echeveria, sedum, crassula, haworthia, space out waterings once every 2 to 3 weeks. Depending on sun exposure…

Care Tips for Succulents

indoor succulents

Most succulents naturally grow in arid or semi arid regions around the world. They also can make great houseplants. They are easy to grow and care. However, if you are use to growing tropical plants, you will need to make…